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5 Advanced SEO Techniques That’ll Improve Your Search Rankings

5 Advanced SEO Techniques That’ll Improve Your Search Rankings

SEO is no longer a hidden secret or ingredient. Today, almost every business performs SEO in order to make their website optimized for the search engines. But, most of those sites fail to show in the top search results and get immense traffic, why?

Several companies are today coming up with their own websites, and the level of competition has already become high. If you are looking to improve the ranking of your site, then you really need to stop using old SEO tactics and start using some advanced tips. Better ranking means more traffic, more conversions, and ultimately improved revenue.

In this blog, I will discuss some of the best yet advanced SEO tips that can really help you increase your search traffic and boost the ranking:

Most digital markets believe that search engine optimization is just limited to content marketing and on-page SEO. But, at the end, it is all about finding out what your target audience needs and then delivering effectively. The better you engage with your audience’s needs, the greater the chances they will click on your titles, read your blogs, see your email list and buy your product or services. In order to achieve this, you will need to find out what your users are looking for. No user will directly tell you their demands.

There are several website or forums, where users are quite expressed about what kind of help they want. One of the best examples is Quora. Most marketers overlook this site considering it as a spamming website, but it’s not a case. If you haven’t used this platform, then roll up your sleeves and create an account today.  Technophiles ask several questions related to different fields and topics on Quora. In order to find more about your target audience, simply log-in to Quora and search your primary keywords. It will provide you with various questions that users are asking on relevant topic with different answers. Reddit is another platform where you can find appropriate subreddits and see the discussion; this will provide you with lots of insight into your target audience.

When the users click on your links in the Google and search results, they often land on your homepage or other pages of the site. But, if your primary goal is conversion or sales, it’s recommended to use a landing page instead. A landing page is a dedicated page of your website that users arrive at after clicking on the link on a search engine results page. Several websites are using landing pages successfully. Most marketers recommend turning the posts into landing pages. Several websites are using landing pages successfully.  Copyblogger is one of the most popular websites that create landing pages on various topics that help them collect lots of links and attention.

  • If you are going to use this strategy, you must consider following things:
  • Always pick a long-tail keyword to build a landing page
  • Don’t forget to add the title, keywords, and meta description.
  • Make sure the landing page has a professional design.
  • Include customer feedbacks and testimonials.
  • Try to add 1500-2000 words (long content has significantly become a must have an aspect of ranking high on Google).

Moreover, you must invest in link building in order to rank high. Try to update your landing pages on a regular basis.

Utilize the Content in Other Forms

Content is the King, and every marketer keeps posting new content on a regular basis. Nevertheless, content marketing works, but it can get exhaustive sometimes. One of the smartest ways is to use the same content and utilize it in different forms. After all, you have researched and worked hard to produce the content so you must use that information smartly. For instance, you can convert your content in the form of:

  • PDFs
  • Podcasts
  • Video tutorials
  • Presentations
  • Infographics

Most of the highly-experienced SEO experts follow this strategy and get better results. Reused content can really help you get the links from high-authority websites such as YouTube, Docstoc, Slideshare, and Quora. In order to get effective results, make sure the new forms of content look as highly professional as the original.

Update Older Content

You may have already known about this tactic that can actually help you improve the ranking of your website. Google loves updated content, and it comes under one of its ranking criteria. You must update your existing blogs posts and web pages regularly. Though, you don’t need to come up with fully updated pages. Sometimes, it’s better to refresh the older blogs with new images, additional information, infographics, or anything that can make them more valuable.

You can also add “Updated + Year” or any other word to the title to let users know the blog is fresh i.e. “The Best WordPress Plugins that You Must Use (Updated + 2017)”. It may also start seeing for search requests that have the year. Don’t forget to update the publishing date in the backend.

Include LSI

LSI is the abbreviation of Latent Semantic Indexing. It is something that must be considered while writing website content. Google pays attention to LSI means the words related to your keywords to find out your purpose behind the blog post. For instance, if you are using WordPress in your content, Google doesn’t know whether you are talking about the fruit or the multinational technology company. Hence, you should add LSI in your content such as iPhones, iPads, Steve Jobs, California and Apple Store, the meaning will be quite obvious for the Google. You should also use synonyms which are considered as LSI. It will help you better explain your topic without repeating the exact key phrase or keywords again & again. Moreover, make sure to avoid keyword stuffing.

All these Advanced SEO tactics will allow you to boost website traffic, improve search engine rankings and make your content more engaging to both visitors and Google.



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